Thursday, March 15, 2007


Almost everyone at some point in their lives gets acne. Not everyone ever figures it out though, and either they wait for it to go away, or they just put up with it. Well now no one has to just 'put up with it'. Here is a list of 5 Do's and Don'ts to help you improve your acne. Follow this list of ideas:

1- DON'T... Eat fattening foods, chocolate, or dairy products. If you want milk, try organic soy milk.

2- DON'T... Pick, leave your blemishes alone.

3- DON'T... Over-moisturize. Keep your skin just moist enough.

4- DON'T... Get overstressed. Hormones released during stress can cause acne.

5- DO... Keep your face clean, as sweat and bacteria cause acne.

How would you like to completely get rid of your acne in as little as 3 days? Chris Gibson has written the definitive guide for a natural way to get acne free. (And stay that way).

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