Thursday, March 15, 2007


Asthma has become a very common ailment, and it is no surprise. The air is full of allergens that cause asthma. From pollutants like smoke, to pollens, grass, mold, there are many causes of asthma attacks. There are a few things one could do to decrease your chances of having an attack, check them out below.

1- Notice your trigger. What brings on an attack can be different for everyone, try to notice what was going on when you felt the attack coming on.

2- Stay away from smoke. Cigarette smoke has so many chemicals and pollutants in it that it can very easily cause problems. The smoke stays on peoples' clothes also, which is why you should ask smokers to smoke outside with a jacket on.

3- Don't Exert Yourself. Exercise can make you breathe faster which can cause an attack. Exercise is very important to your health though so make sure you are at least walking for exercise.

4- Stay stress free. If this is your trigger be especially careful when you are entering a stressful situation.

5- Stay healthy. Catching a cold can turn into a respiratory infection, all the mucus, and difficulty breathing can bring on a bout of attacks, take a Zinc supplement to boost your immunity daily.

Wouldn't it be great to never have to worry about Asthma again? Never have to worry about having an attack in public, never worrying someone won't be there to take you to the hospital if you can't breathe? Susan Millar knows how you feel, except now she doesn't have to worry about suffering from asthma, or allergies. Susan has discovered a safe, natural way to relieve yourself of allergies and asthma attacks. Check out her site for testimonials and free bonuses of her book.

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