Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Did you know that there are things you do everyday that either cause headaches and migraines or make them common? Simple things like drinking too much caffeine, driving without sunglasses, and more. I had no idea that drinking too much orange juice could give you an overdose of vitamin C and therefore cause you to have headaches. There are many other things we do that cause us to have headaches, and I am not talking about just the kids or your spouse nagging.

If you have a lot of headaches and or migraines you know that the pain is sometimes unreal, the aching, throbbing, and everything around us, light, noise, birds chirping, adds to it. I used to get headaches right behind my eye, and all I would want to do was lay down. Then I found The Migraine and Headache Program, by Christian Goodman. He has set up a program that shows you the everyday activities that contribute to your migraines, and how just changing a few things you are doing will help immensely with your headaches.

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